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地 址:广东省东莞市樟木头 | |||||||||||
镇星耀国际1803室 | |||||||||||
电 话:0769-87017208 | |||||||||||
传 真:0769-87017203 | |||||||||||
联系人:刘先生 | |||||||||||
TEL:13925877958 | |||||||||||
E-mail:sales@sdt-fpc-hk.com.cn | |||||||||||
主 页:www.sdt-fpc-hk.com.cn |
香港华富集团于1997年5月在新加坡成立,2003年投资香港及中国广东省东莞市 分别建立华富数码科技有限公司,在集团的战略发展规划下,相继成立东莞力富数码科技有限公司、 台湾华富数码科技股份有限公司、江西鑫力华数码科技有限公司、东莞港鑫数码科技有限公司等多间 集团控股公司。如今集团共有职工数人,已发展为集科技与市场于一体的企业集团。 集团自成立以来,以质量,及时的交货,周到的售后服务及具竞争力的价格,在市场上 赢得了实质性的赞誉和诸如:日本夏普、索尼、台湾广达集团、英业达集团、冠捷科技、介面光电、 万旭电子等众多知名企业的信任与青睐。 集团拥有一批专业的管理人才和专业的技术人才;为满足顾客需求,我们将持续投资并一如既往 致力于技术、品质的提升和产能的提高;努力提供技术支持和服务。与此同时,为了节约成本 和提高效率,我们亦将继续致力于提升公司职工整体素质,从根本上确保产品的品质和交期。 在 集团始终坚持以优良的品质、一流的产品、为顾客提供满意服务的经营宗旨下,相信由集团自身不断 的加强技术能力及提高管理水平,并以专业团队的合作精神及实力,定能为顾客提供强有力的后备 力量,为进一步为集团拓展国际市场打好了良好坚实的基础。 至2014年年底止,根据 集团的战略规划及既定目标,每年必定将按至少10%的增加率持续稳定的成长,并将在五年内成功的 申请为上市公司。 |
"Success Group" is a Singapore based enterprise that was established in May, 1997. We invested 10 million US$ to set up China factory "Success Digital Technology (HK) Co., Ltd." located in Dongguan in 2003,and also established "Success Group Digital Technology (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd." in Jiangxi which has 3000 employees by now.
With a few years rapidly growing, "Success Group" has been developing to an high Technology company in the market. Superior quality, reasonable price, in-time delivery and good service make us keeping valuable customers, such as Asus, Casio, Sharp, Honeywell, Sanyo, GSL, Hosiden, J Touch, Su Xin ,DJtouch, Wanshih, Onation, Sony...etc.
quality, technology, production capacity to support our customers. In additional, we will keep training our staffs to ensure the quality and delivery.
service and support to have the win/ win strategy with our customers. Besdies, this is an important base to let us support more internal customers in future.
To 2014 "Success Group" has capital USD36 millions, Annual sales had exceeded USD20 millions, come true 2.2 millions profit. |